Today it is unimaginable that quality concrete is made without chemical additives. Desmepol-Plastyn®’s contribution is the development of a patented sulfonated melamine resin, EP 0690083
It is used mainly as a superplasticizer or water-reducing additive. The formulators, the additive manufacturers, use PLASTYN® as raw material
for plasticizers with a retarding, accelerating or air-entraining effect.
Used directly in unreinforced, reinforced and prestressed concrete, anhydrite floors and other plaster applications. An addition of approx. 1-2% makes it possible to reduce the amount of water in the mixture and achieve a higher compressive strength. Adding only PLASTYN® improves workability, making the product easily pumpable and self-levelling.
Is the spray-dried form of PLASTYN® 40% and is used in dry mortar and cement and plaster adhesives. It is also exported to areas where no liquid products are made. Reconstituting PLASTYN® SP in water produces liquid additives.